Integrated Safe School Plan
The ISSP system standardizes the California public school safety plan across Los Angeles Unified schools and guides the preparation of annual updates. A copy of the plan is available in the Main Office of the school for public review. LAUSD's Integrated Safe School Plan is compliant with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the California Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS). LAUSD - ISSP site
See calendar for specific dates.
All LAUSD schools work diligently to make sure that students and staff are prepared for emergencies. Every school has an emergency plan that provides guidance for the school staff in an emergency. Every school conducts regular emergency drills that accommodate persons with disabilities and meet or exceed the state mandated requirements, such as:
- Fire Drill – Practiced once each semester.
- Earthquake Exercise – Once a year, all schools conduct a full-scale earthquake exercise as part of the Great California Shake-Out. The drills are scheduled in the fall and all the elements of the school‘s disaster plan are practiced District-wide.
- Drop, Cover, and Hold On (Earthquake) Drill – Every month, schools use this drill to remind students how to protect themselves during an earthquake.
- Lock-down Drill – At least once a year, schools practice how they will respond to a threat of violence on or near the campus.
- Shelter- in-Place Drill – At least once a year, schools practice how they will respond to an environmental hazard on or near the campus.
- Take Cover Drill – At least once a year, students practice how they would respond to gunfire or an explosion in the neighborhood. Parents are asked to make sure that their students actively participate and take emergency drills seriously.
These drills help make public schools the safest place for students during an emergency. Each school also stocks emergency supplies to sustain students and staff. These supplies include: water, food, first aid supplies, search and rescue supplies, and sanitation items. These supplies are checked regularly by school staff. In the event of a disaster, the school may need to care for your child for several days if you are unable to reach the school. It is important to have adequate emergency medical supplies on hand. School sites request that parents bring a 72-hour supply of any prescription medications for their child to the school health office. Medications should be in a container with the pharmacy label listing the child’s name, the name and dosage of the medication, and instructions for administering the medication.
Note to Students:
During the drill or real emergency: Stay with the class you are with at that time.
During a real emergency while not in class, go to the evacuation center (football field) by Advisory class.
The following is the step by step procedures to be followed during an Emergency Drill:
(Earthquake, Fire, Shelter in Place, Lock-down, etc....).
- Three long bells will sound during third period.
- Students will drop, cover and hold.
- One long bell will sound signifying the end of the drop, cover and hold drill.
- Students will accompany their teacher to the predesignated place on the football field and will remain with their teacher at that place on the football field until released at the end of the drill.
- Teachers will take attendance and send, with a reliable student, the appropriate form (Emergency attendance Form) to the administrator at the fifty yard line.
- Teachers are reminded of the importance of keeping their students with them. Were this an actual emergency, students would be summoned to the reunion gate based upon the room they were assigned to during the period we were in when the emergency occurred.
Note to Parents/Guardians:
In the event that an emergency does occur please make your way to the Request gate with the proper identification to reunite with your student(s).The Request Gate is located on the Desoto side of the school along the stadium field.. Please have valid identification ready when you arrive at the gate. Once your student has been located you will meet with your student at the Reunion Gate. The Reunion Gate is one hundred yards south of the Request Gate. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
What can Parents/Guardians do during an Emergency?
Parents/Guardians should be familiar with the school‘s emergency procedures and update contact information whenever it changes. Keep their cell phone with them to receive recorded updates on the emergency. Knowing where to go to pick-up their child will save time and reduce anxiety. All should remember that schools have emergency procedures in place to protect all students and that schools will follow these procedures during an emergency. Parents should also remember that children look to them for guidance and support during an emergency; parents who are calm and are prepared for emergencies can inspire children to do the same. This will go a long way to promote recovery and a return to normalcy. All who have questions about their school‘s emergency procedures are encouraged to contact the school‘s administration.
Download the free LAUSD Community Emergency Plan app for parents and students at your app store. Information about how LAUSD prepares for and responds to emergencies is available at Questions about the District‘s Emergency Plan should be directed to the Office of Emergency Services at (213) 241-5337.