Chatsworth Charter High School & G+STEAM Magnet Center

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8:00 a.m. - 2:30pm

Attendance Office A-11 

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Affiliated Charter Schools are District public schools that converted to affiliated charter status through a charter petition process. The schools are authorized by the L.A. Unified Board of Education and operate in accordance with District policy, Board Rules, and state and federal law. Affiliated Charter Schools receive direct oversight by a Local District office and the L.A. Unified Charter Schools Division. These schools have some additional flexibility of local control of funding, curriculum and instruction, professional development, local school governance, and some aspects of employee selection.
All students that reside in the State of California are eligible to apply to attend an Affiliated Charter School. However, the school must first serve students that reside within the Affiliated Charter School’s former attendance boundary. Parents who live in the Affiliated Charter School’s resident attendance boundary do not need to apply and directly contact the school for enrollment. Parents who live outside of the Affiliated Charter School’s attendance boundary apply through the Unified Enrollment application. The school, in coordination with the District, determines if additional space is available. If there is more interest in enrollment from non-resident families than there is space available, the school must hold a random public lottery for the remaining spaces. In the lottery, the remaining spaces are offered to students that live within Los Angeles Unified School District attendance boundary before other students. It is not necessary to use the District’s permit process to apply or be selected for admission to an Affiliated Charter School. (Chatsworth does not foresee a Lottery needed 2024-2025)
The CHOICES on-time application window will open in the beginning of October, and close the second week of November. Applications received before the application deadline, will be included in the public random lottery, if needed. A late application will be available beginning February. Late applicants are not included in the school lottery.  (Chatsworth does not foresee a Lottery needed 2025-2026)
Any student who lives in California can apply to an Affiliated Charter School. Parents who live outside of the school attendance boundary apply through the CHOICES application at, or with the CHOICES brochure, for grades Transitional Kindergarten (TK) – 12th grade. Parents who live in the school attendance boundary do not apply and directly contact the school for enrollment.
It is not necessary to use an inter-district permit to apply for admission to an Affiliated Charter School. If you live within California, you may apply online at or with our CHOICES brochure paper application.
No, students who live in the Affiliated Charter School’s resident attendance boundary do not need to apply through Unified Enrollment. Students that live in the attendance boundary go directly to the Affiliated Charter School to enroll. Parents can use the School Search Tool at to see if their address is within the resident attendance boundary.
If there is more interest in enrollment than space available, the school must hold a random public lottery for the remaining seats. In the lottery, the remaining seats are offered to students that live within L.A. Unified’s (District’s) attendance boundary before other students.  
  • Parents must apply during the on-time application window online at or by submitting a paper application.
  • To apply to multiple Affiliated Charter Schools, you must apply online.
  • When applying to multiple Affiliated Charter Schools, there is no order of preference, on-time applicants will be entered into the lottery at each school they applied to.
  • The school will publish the date and time of the lottery on their website and in the main office.
  • Attendance at the lottery is preferred but is not required.
  • All lotteries will be conducted during the month of February, annually.
  • At the lottery, all applications will be grouped in priority order and randomly pulled to fill the available spaces and to generate a waiting list. Students will remain on the waiting list for one school year only.
  • In addition to District-wide priorities, each Affiliated Charter School may have additional lottery priorities included in their individual charter petition.
  • If the space available exceeds the number of interested families (i.e. 30 spaces available and 10 families apply), a lottery is not needed. Those families will be contacted to complete the enrollment process within the appropriate timeline.
If needed the lottery will occur during the month of February, the Affiliated Charter School shall conduct its public random drawing (lottery) for non-resident boundary students only, if there are more applicants than seats available. Information regarding the date and procedure for the lottery will be communicated by the Affiliated Charter School to parents, posted on the school’s website, and made readily available in the main office.
When a lottery is conducted, priorities are given to on-time applications in the following order:
  1. Siblings of students attending and continuing at the school AND that also live within L.A. Unified (District) boundaries.
  2. All other applicants that live within District boundaries.
  3. Siblings of students attending and are continuing at the school and do not live within District boundaries.
  4. All other applicants that do not live within District boundaries.
Multiple-birth applicants (e.g., twins, triplets) that reside at the same address and apply to the same program in the same year will be placed consecutively in the Choices selection process.
Parents will continue to apply for full magnets and magnet centers through the CHOICES brochure as they have always done. For SAS or Dual Language Education programs at an Affiliated Charter, parents first apply and must be accepted into the Affiliated Charter School. After a student is selected through the Affiliated Charter process, the student may participate in the SAS gifted/talented program or Dual Language Program if they meet the program’s eligibility criteria.
Unified Enrollment will send selection/waitlist letters for On-Time Applicants in mid-March 2024.
The late application window will be available beginning February 1, 2024. Late applications are added to the waiting list in the order received. Parents that apply using the late application will only be contacted by the school if a seat is available and your child is next on the waiting list. Parents may contact the school directly to inquire about their status on the waiting list beginning in April 2024.
  • If you miss the on-time application window, you may submit late applications beginning February 1, 2024.
  • Parent/guardian can submit late applications to as many programs as they wish. A separate late application must be submitted for each school.
  • Submit late applications online at or mail to: Unified Enrollment, P.O. Box 513307, Los Angeles, CA 90051
  • Permits With Transportation (PWT) does not accept late applications.
  • No points, preferences, or priorities are assigned to late applications.
  • Late applications are added to the end of the school’s waiting list, if applicable, and applicants are contacted in the order received. Parent/guardian will be contacted by the school if/when a seat becomes available. Parent/guardian may be contacted up until the fourth week of the first semester or the second week of the second semester. Exceptions: Multilingual Multicultural Program and Affiliated Charter School applicants remain on the waiting list until the end of the academic year to which they applied.
  • Late applications do not impact the on-time application process. If you applied on-time and are on a school’s waiting list, you do not need to submit a late application to the same program.
  • Late applicants to Gifted/Highly Gifted Magnet Programs and Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) must meet required, program-specific criteria, however, verification of eligibility is processed at the school site. Verification of Eligibility forms for late applicants, if applicable, must be submitted directly to the school of choice when the parent/guardian is contacted by the school about an available seat. For more information, visit
While a family may apply for multiple schools, be offered and waitlisted for multiple schools, a child/family can only accept one placement.
Applicants will remain on the waiting list for all Affiliated Charter Schools they apply to (if not previously selected), even if they accept placement to another Affiliated Charter School or other CHOICES program. Applicants will remain on the waiting list for one school year only.
BEFORE MAKING YOUR SELECTION, PLEASE NOTE THAT TRANSPORTATION IS NOT PROVIDED FOR AFFILIATED CHARTER SCHOOLS. Exceptions: Students with disabilities enrolling in an Affiliated Charter School will have access to transportation if the student’s IEP requires transportation. Under Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), foster youth in out-of-home care, as defined, and youth experiencing homelessness have the right to receive transportation to and from their school of origin. Please contact Student Support Programs at (213) 241-3840 for more information and/or assistance.
Please contact the specific Affiliated Charter School directly about their instructional program, goals, and public random lottery process. Please contact the Charter Schools Division for other inquiries at (213) 241-0399.