Chatsworth Charter High School & G+STEAM Magnet Center

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Daily Learning


-Spanish 1A/B 

Textbook:  Encuentros 1



-Spanish 2A/B for Spanish speakers



Anécdotas Literarias 2

Workbook 2

Informate lessons (articles on current events)



-Students are expected to follow our bell schedule and come to class on time.

-Students are expected to come prepared to class.  They must bring their book, chrome book, charger, a pen and paper. 

-A daily agenda is posted on the board.

- Assignments are posted for students on schoology to access them at school and at home.

-Students are expected to upload their complete assignments on schoology on the due dates.

-Information regarding assessment will be given to students a week in advance.

-Students and parents may contact me through schoology or school email: [email protected]



Office hours: Monday-Friday 9:30-10:30 am, during period 2




Spanish 1A/B Syllabus 

Chatsworth Charter High School 

Instructor: Ms. Morales 


 Why learn Spanish?   It is the second most common language in the United States and among the five most spoken languages in the world. Studying Spanish helps you to understand cultureLearning about culture helps you to understand other people’s perspectives and patterns of behavior. It helps you to expand your career opportunities and options in the twenty-first century.   

Learning a second language allows you to gain knowledge and understanding of a culture other than your own. It provides you with another connection to the outside world. In addition, as a language student, you will develop a greater insight into your own language and culture through comparisons and contrasts with the languages you learn. These elements of language acquisition will enable you to be active participants in our multilingual communalities.  


 Course Materials 



  • Encuentros 1, Vista Higher Learning 


Additional Practice Online: 

  • Fans Online Activities and Practice Workbook provides focus practice for new vocabulary and grammar.   


Required Materials and Supplies:  


  • Your Chromebook and charger, since daily work will be posted on schoology and/or assigned online, or in the absence of such, bring your textbook 
  • Paper  
  • A pen or pencil 


Course expectations and outline 


In Spanish 1A/1B, students develop reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. In addition, they learn spelling skills, grammar usage, vocabulary skills. Students will be expected to develop an oral proficiency and poses knowledge of the Spanish language and functionsBy the end of the second semester, students will be able to compose more complex conversations and short  



In their first semester of language learning (Spanish 1A), Students are expected to 


  • greet and respond to greetings   
  • introduce and respond to introductions 
  • engage in conversations 
  • express likes and dislikes 
  • make requests 
  • obtain information 
  • understand some ideas and familiar details 
  • provide information 


 In their second semester (Spanish 1B), students will develop the ability to: 


  • make requests 
  • express their needs 
  • understand and express important ideas and some detail 
  • describe and compare  
  • use and understand expressions indicting emotions 
  • use the past tense 


The course comprises eight units, each about four weeks. The units are designed around eight communicative themes.  



Essential Question 

1. México 

 Personal and family life in the context of a Mexican family. 

What roles do I play in my family and community? 

2. Puerto Rico 

Housing and household chores. 

What features of  homes and neighborhoods are influenced by culture? 

3. Guatemala 

Shopping in the context of Mayan culture and Guatemalas’s historic cities. 

What do we communicate through our clothing and apparel? 

4. Perú 

Food in the context of Peruvian culture. 

What makes a dish authentic? 

5. España 

The human body. 

How are health and hygiene routines a reflection of our cultural practices and perspectives? 

6. Estados Unidos 

Work and free-time activities in the context of different regions. 

How does culture affect our work and leisure activities? 

7. Argentina 

Means or transportation and travel. 

Why is travel an important learning experience? 

8. Chile 

The physical world in the context of different regions of Chile. 

What is a person’s role in the care of the planet? 




Attendance is a vital part of student success. I encourage all students to be in class on time every dayIf the student is late, he or she must have a tardy pass.  The student is responsible for making up work if class is missed due to unexcused tardies.  If a student is tardy or absent during a quiz or a test, he/she will have to make it up on a day/time agreed upon.  If a student fails to show up for a make-up test within a reasonable time decided by the teacher, they will not be allowed to take it and will receive a zero. Students are responsible for getting missed assignments upon their return from an absence. There will be no extra credit to make up for missed assignments or low grades. 


Any activities not completed in class should be completed as homework. In addition, students should review the new vocabulary and grammar daily. Copying homework is cheating and will result in a grade of zero for all students involved. Homework and classwork assignments must be clean and legible with the proper heading. Torn, dirty, or incomplete assignments are unacceptable and will not be collected. 


Students must be present for the final exam. No make-up will be allowed for final exams. 



Grading Scale:  


Grades will be determined by student performance in the following areas: class work/homework, projects, oral participation, quizzes, chapter tests and a finalThe Grading scale is as follows: 


A = 90-100% 

B = 80-89.9%                         

C = 70-79.9% 


D = 60-69.9% 

F =   0-59.9% 


In the classroom: 


Once you have entered the classroom: 

  1. Have your Chromebook and charger or textbook, paper and pen/pencil prepared to work.  
  1. Read the agenda“What are we going to do today?”  Read the agenda. 
  1. Start immediately 
  1. If you want to ask or answer a question, raise your hand, and wait to be called on. 
  1. Stay on task and talk only at appropriate times. 
  1. Stay in your seat and ask to get up if you must. 
  1. Respect all public and private properties. Keep your hands to yourself. 
  1. There will be no eating in class. Only water will be allowed in the classroom 
  1. Go to the restroom and locker during passing periodsIf you have an emergency and need to go to the restroom, you MUST take a pass. Only one person can be out at a time, so you must return within 6 minutes in case someone else needs the pass. Please be considerate of others. Remember, YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE IN CLASS. If you have a physical condition that requires you to go to the bathroom frequently, please bring a parent/doctor’s note to the school’s nurse. She will communicate with me. 
  1. Comb your hair and apply make-up in the bathroom, not in the classroom.  
  1.  Your cell phone and other electronic devices are not welcome in class.  



No Profanity, name calling, inappropriate comments or put-downs will be tolerated in my classroom. 



  1. Teacher/student conference 
  1. Student's parent is contacted and documented on MISIS to be part of the student’s permanent record 
  1. Student is referred to the dean and documented on MISIS 






Los Angeles Unified School District

Chatsworth Charter High School

(818) 678-3400

 August 2023

Dear Parent(s) or Guardian,

This semester your child is enrolled in Spanish SP 2A/B-Spanish for Spanish Speakers 2A/B. This course is designed to develop your child’s reading, writing, listening, and speaking in Spanish and critical thinking skills. A strong emphasis will be placed on increasing vocabulary, study skills and the knoledge of culture of the Spanish speaking countries. 

We will be using the textbook  Anecdotas 2 and practice book Anecdotas 2 and other Spanish materials. The main methods of teaching will be California standard based lessons, demonstrations on the white board and promethean, videos, as well as, individual and small group activities. Students are responsible for bringing necessary materials to class everyday. Students are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior in class. Student’s cooperation is essential to create a learning environment that will be beneficial to all.


Units and countries of study:

  1.       Las sociedades en contacto
  2.       La construcción del género
  3.       La línea del tiempo
  4.       El arte, un puente hacia la literatura
  5.       Interconexión, colaboración y resultados
  6.       Las múltiples facetas del ser human



Puerto Rico




Guinea Ecuatorial



Republica Árabe Saharaui Democrática





Attendance is a vital part of student success. I encourage all students to be in class on time every dayIf the student is late, he or she must have a tardy pass.  The student is responsible for making up work if class is missed due to unexcused tardies.  If a student is tardy or absent during a quiz or a test, he/she will have to make it up on a day/time agreed upon.  If a student fails to show up for a make-up test within a reasonable time decided by the teacher, they will not be allowed to take it and will receive a zero. Students are responsible for getting missed assignments upon their return from an absence. There will be no extra credit to make up for missed assignments or low grades. 


Any activities not completed in class should be completed as homework. In addition, students should review the new vocabulary and grammar daily. Copying homework is cheating and will result in a grade of zero for all students involved. Homework and classwork assignments must be clean and legible with the proper heading. Torn, dirty, or incomplete assignments are unacceptable and will not be collected. 


Students must be present for the final exam. No make-up will be allowed for final exams. 


Grading Scale:  


Grades will be determined by student performance in the following areas: class work/homework, projects, oral participation, quizzes, chapter tests and a finalThe Grading scale is as follows: 



Grading scale                                      Cooperation                                                     Work Habits


A = 90 – 100%                                      E = excellent behavior                                       E = at least 80% of

B = 80 – 89.9 %                                                                                                                    assignments completed


C = 70 – 79.9 %                                    S = acceptable behavior                                     S= 60-79.9 % of assignments

D = 60 – 69.9 %                                                                                                                   completed


F = 59.9% – or less                               U = excessive talking                                        U = 59.9 % or less of the

                                                                   late to class or                                                     assignments

                                                                   inappropriate behavior


In the classroom: 


Once you have entered the classroom: 

  1. Have your Chromebook and charger or textbook, paper and pen/pencil prepared to work.  
  1. Read the agenda“What are we going to do today?”  Read the agenda. 
  1. Start immediately 
  1. If you want to ask or answer a question, raise your hand, and wait to be called on. 
  1. Stay on task and talk only at appropriate times. 
  1. Stay in your seat and ask to get up if you must. 
  1. Respect all public and private properties. Keep your hands to yourself. 
  1. There will be no eating in class. Only water will be allowed in the classroom 
  1. Go to the restroom and locker during passing periodsIf you have an emergency and need to go to the restroom, you MUST take a pass. Only one person can be out at a time, so you must return within 6 minutes in case someone else needs the pass. Please be considerate of others. Remember, YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE IN CLASS. If you have a physical condition that requires you to go to the bathroom frequently, please bring a parent/doctor’s note to the school’s nurse. She will communicate with me. 
  1. Comb your hair and apply make-up in the bathroom, not in the classroom.  
  1.  Your cell phone and other electronic devices are not welcome in class.  



No Profanity, name calling, inappropriate comments or put-downs will be tolerated in my classroom. 



  1. Teacher/student conference 
  1. Student's parent is contacted and documented on MISIS to be part of the student’s permanent record 
  1. Student is referred to the dean and documented on MISIS