CTE offers rigorous, integrated, technical, and academic content focused on careers that
are intrinsically interesting to students and is delivered through applied, performance- and
project-based teaching strategies that facilitate understanding and mastery. It also instills
essential transferable workplace and career management skills that students can draw upon
over a lifetime of learning and career development. In addition, CTE is, by necessity, often
taught in personalized learning environments (e.g., small classes, learning communities,
student organizations, and worksites) that further augment the benefits of these programs.
Finally, CTE programs are dynamic; curricula need to stay current with rapid changes in the
workplace, requiring ongoing updates and learning on the part of CTE faculty.
High-quality curriculum and instruction in CTE includes the intentional reinforcement of the
cognitive, academic, and technical rigor inherent in CTE and the alignment of CTE with academic and industry standards. It also includes the integration of CTE and academic content
through a variety of strategies that foster complementary approaches to teaching and learning — strategies that draw on the best of what both CTE and non- CTE disciplines have to
offer. (California State Plan for Career Technical Education, page 62)
- Pathway Standards
- Sequenced Career Pathways
- Work Based Learning
- Master Schedule is Sequenced
- All Aspects of Industry Taught
- Technology Embedded
- Academic Alignment
- Industry Certification/Licensure