Chatsworth Charter High School & G+STEAM Magnet Center

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CC LSLeadership Council » CCLC 2022-23

CCLC 2022-23

The council is comprised of the Parents and/or community members, Teachers, Principal, Staff, and student representatives. Decisions are by consensus or, if consensus cannot be reached, by majority vote. Staff Development Programs, Student Discipline Guidelines, Schedule of Activities and Events, Guidelines for use of Equipment, Local Budgetary Matters.  The council meets monthly at school the first Tuesday of the month. 

Chatsworth Charter Leadership Council


Last years team will begin the year.

Principal  Dr. Guy * Parent K. Walia
Teacher V. Minassian** Parent G. Khanlian
Teacher E. Ramos Parent G. Tokuda
Teacher G. Wiesner Student  S. Chun
Teacher V. Farrington-Zapata Student  C. Kim
Staff N. Solares  S. Arakel Student  S. Mian


*Interim Principal April, May, June Mr. John Plevack

** Mr. Minassian became Assistant Principal, April, May, and June No Longer UTLA Chapter Chair




8/16/22 1/10/23
9/6/22 2/7/23
10/4/22 3/7/23
11/1/22 4/11/23
12/6/22 5/2/23
Meeting time is after SSC meeting at 6:30 pm, all meeting will be online. Meeting details will be posted here prior to each meeting. 
Enter Zoom with your last, first name showing in "name" Meeting ID: 865 7922 1720