Chatsworth Charter High School & G+STEAM Magnet Center

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Course Description

This academic course provides with an introduction to the physical sciences and the interrelatedness of the physical and biological components of these systems.  This comprehensive view gives students an understanding of the concepts and principles of science and provides opportunities to develop problem solving and technological skills necessary to compete successfully in the 21st century.  Throughout the course, students are exposed to related careers and real-world applications of the scientific concepts presented.  This course devotes at least 50% of the class time to student-centered laboratory activities and small-group activities.

The Interactions curriculum introduces students to science as an endeavor, a process we engage in, rather than solely a set of discoveries by others. Through engaging in modeling and scientific explanation, students explore curious aspects of the everyday world, discovering how the unseen world of atomic level interactions and energy transformations are responsible for much of what we observe in the world around us.